
What’s going on?

This is the excerpt for your very first post.

What’s going on at The Tuppeny? Well we are not quite sure yet, at the time of writing we are still a few days away from opening so we are not sure what is going to be right for the place. However, we do have a few ideas. There will be some incredible live acoustic music coming up soon, including a very special pre-Christmas performer. There will be plenty of drinks related events to so expect some special beers and cocktails and some informative but fun sessions with “experts”.

There are plenty more ideas flying around, so keep an eye open here and we will post all the details as best as we can.


Team Tuppenny

2 replies on “What’s going on?”

A most enjoyable read, a good easy lay out and read, good luck and best wishes for the future.
There are one or two new tipples i shall be popping in for a taste
of in the next day or three.

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